1 Cent Burger Day conspiracy sparks wild reactions as The Simpsons prediction goes viral

June 2024 · 5 minute read

National Burger Day celebrations commenced on 18 September this year with several fast-food joints offering fantastic deals. As many continue to feast on the cheeseburgers which are being sold for just a penny among other deals, conspiracy theorists online claim that the dishes being sold are harmful. Many are claiming that The Simpsons predicted that something nefarious would happen after the celebrations started.

In honor of the celebrations, Wendy’s is selling Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers for just 1 cent, McDonald’s is selling double cheeseburgers for just 50 cents and Burger King is giving out a free dish among other deals.

With the shocking deals, netizens seem to be under the assumption that the fast-food conglomerates are not simply celebrating the event but are also looking for ways to harm consumers' health.

Some conspiracy theorists now claim that The Simpsons predicted that something worrying would happen with the fast-food dish.

Everything to know about the viral burger and Simpsons conspiracy theory

X (formerly known as Twitter) user @WillingWitness shared a TikTok video by @hypsy217. In the video, a The Simpsons character was saying:

“Now this lucky reporter will be the first to sample this delicious crime against nature.”

According to Fandom, the episode includes Krusty the Clown standing outside a food joint and explains to news anchor Kent Brockman that the latest burger is made by feeding cows other cows.

As soon as Brockman takes a bite of the dish, he transforms into a zombie-like creature and sets off an apocalypse.

The video also showcased screenshots of the deals fast-food joints were offering.

It seems like the platform user was hinting that something bad like an apocalypse might happen if one consumes the dishes which were being sold through tremendous deals.

X user @TheApplesRed also claimed:

“They gonna feed y’all poisonous soylent green with nana particles."

TikTok user @tunethyheart also expressed weariness over the deals which were currently available. He said:

“What’s really bizarre about the whole thing is just everything on the world that’s going on right now but according to what professionals are saying about current statistics with me we are at the lowest levels that the beef production has been at in 50 years. If y’all want to talk the chance of eating and and eating fast food meat at all much less eating it on the 18th given everything that’s going on uh have at it.”

TikTok creator @ragingprestigemaster also uploaded a video where he seems to claim that the fast-food dish is actually made of ants. He said:

“All these companies are owned by the same people. Now, I’m not going to say the person’s name but a famous computer person that’s been experiments with insects owns a lot of what’s going on and a lot of the beef that’s been sending out.”

Others simply had hilarious reactions to the latest deals which were available at the moment. Some read:

The Wendy’s deal will be available until Friday, 22 September.

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