Charlie Hunnam is a blokey Jon Snow in the first King Arthur trailer: GoT lite?

May 2024 · 2 minute read


Do you guys like Game of Thrones? If you like Game of Thrones, you’re going to maybe like Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur. That’s what the studio is hoping, at least. Charlie Hunnam came out to San Diego this weekend to do some promotion for King Arthur. This film was originally supposed to come out this summer, but with Ritchie’s custody drama with Madonna and the studio not really believing in the film, it got pushed back to a February 2017 release. Many believe January and February releases are the graveyards of film, although there’s always a chance that people will be in the mood for some GoT-ish in February, especially since the seventh season of Game of Thrones is being delayed in 2017.

I’m not joking about the Game of Thrones thing either. This thing looks like Game of Thrones (perhaps with a bigger budget), and Guy Ritchie even cast two GoT actors in prominent roles: Aidan Gillen (Littlefinger!) and Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton). They are featured prominently in the trailer. Charlie Hunnam is also shirtless and showing off his Medieval Crossfit body, so… I mean, at least there’s eye candy? This film is already being criticized for being a total sausage party, although it does feature some women: Annabelle Wallis and Katie McGrath.

There are Children of the Forest and Hunnam’s Arthur is like a more blokey Jon Snow. I guess Jude Law is playing the bad guy, sort of like Joffrey combined with Melisandre. And instead of dragons, there’s a giant monster with tusks. Eh. I think I understand why no one really knew what to do with this film: how do you really market it? Historial/fantasy/sci-fi? What part do you emphasize? And now we know Guy Ritchie is an enormous Game of Thrones fan. While Ritchie has high hopes that this will turn into a franchise, I’m not so sure. It looks kind of messy to me.

king arthur

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Getty.
