Kenya Moore shared a photo from Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis with which she managed to bring tears in her fans’ eyes. Check it out below and see the reactions that she got with the picture.
‘Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis Heartbreaking 💔#saytheirnames #BLM,’ Kenya captioned her post.
Someone said: ‘I wish all the victims of police brutality would not be listed, Whites and blacks. Since more whites were murdered by bad cops this past year.’
A commenter wrote: ‘How about we list the 24 people that were killed last weekend in Chicago. That is where the real issue lies.’
One Instagrammer posted this message: ‘My God!!! Let there be no more names added. Lord, I thank You for Your protection, thank You for waking people up to what is really going on. Lord, I thank You that a new way is being created and established.’
Another follower said: ‘Encourage everyone to register and vote in all upcoming elections,’ and someone else wrote: ‘And to think this is not all of the victims. This brutality really needs to stop. So sad.’
There were also people who said that this list needs more names added to it if we want to be fair these days.
A follower posted this: ‘Should we list all the men in blue killed in the line of duty followed by the innocent victims of crime and murder. Your list is a joke next to these other stats,’ and someone else wrote: ‘I hope they include the ones being killed by our own as well because I am tired of it all.’
One other follower had another idea: ‘I think every street where a black person was killed by police/racist should be renamed after that victim. All the victims should be honored. #blacklivesmatter #renamethestreet.’
What do you think about all of this?
Kenya also flaunted her pride of being a black woman recently.