73 percent Click to see full answer. Just so, what percentage of total sales in the US are generated by sole proprietorships?This type of firm is by far the most popular in the United States. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), about 75% of all business are sole proprietorships. Most sole proprietorships are small, however. All together they generate only about 6 percent of all United States sales.Additionally, how many sole proprietorships are there in the United States 2019? Often, home-based businesses are sole proprietorships. There are 23 million of these in operation today, vastly more than any other traditional forms. Similarly, what percentage of businesses in the US are partnerships? According to Census data, 73.1 percent of all businesses were sole proprietorships (20.3 million firms). 13.1 percent of all businesses were S corporations (3.65 million firms), and about 8 percent were partnerships (2.2 million firms).What businesses are sole proprietorships? Understanding common businesses operated by sole proprietors can help you decide if it is the right structure for you. Run a Bookkeeping Business. Provide Home Healthcare. Be a Financial Planner. Run a Landscaping Company. Computer Repair Services. Run a Catering Company. Offer Housecleaning Services. Be a Freelance Writer.