Emily Stone is an aesthetic nurse who is looking forward to finding love on The Real Love Boat, which premieres on CBS on Wednesday, October 5, at 9:00 pm PT/ET.
Throughout the season, viewers will see Emily go on destination dates and compete in challenges to test compatibility and chemistry with other singles onboard while earning valuable rewards.
As per the synopsis of the show:
“The romantic waters will be tested when new Singles come aboard, and those who don't find a match will "Shove Off" and be left behind at port."It further reads,
"After nearly one month at sea, one winning couple will dock in the final port and take home a cash prize plus a once-in-a-lifetime trip courtesy of Princess Cruises, the series' exclusive cruise line partner.”Emily Stone from The Real Love Boat was a labor and delivery nurse
Emily Stone is a 24-year-old single from Colgate, Wisconsin, who is "dedicated to enhancing natural beauty."
As per her Insta profile, she is a certified nurse injector who specializes in botox and lip fillers. She is currently working as an aesthetic nurse at Skin Tight Aesthetics and Wellness.
Prior to her current job, Emily worked as a labor and delivery nurse. She got her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Concordia University, Wisconsin. After completing her education, she started her career as a registered nurse working in the labor and delivery unit at Columbia St. Mary’s in Milwaukee, developing a "calming bedside manner, strong critical thinking skills, and quickly growing a love for empowering others," as per the company profile, skintightaestheticsandwellness.com.
Her love for empowering others led her to the aesthetic industry. When not working her nursing job, she runs her social media channels, showing her fashionable side to her more than 12K followers on Instagram.
Emily loves to travel to tropical destinations with her older sister, attend concerts, and spend time with her family, including her puppy, Lola.
In Real Love Boat, viewers will see Emily on a journey to find her soulmate, with whom she can spend the rest of her life and explore new places together.
Who are the 12 Singles boarding The Real Love Boat?
Hosted by Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O’Connell, 12 singles will try to find love on The Real Love Boat, which is inspired by the classic hit scripted series, The Love Boat. The original show aired from 1977 to 1987 on ABC.
On the show, the singles will travel together to the Mediterranean, making ports of call in Barcelona, Marseille, Rome, Santorini, Athens, and more, on a luxury cruise ship, Princess Cruises. The singles are:
Eureka Productions, in association with Buster Productions, has produced The Real Love Boat. Wes Dening, Eden Gaha, Chris Culvenor, Paul Franklin, and Jay Bienstock serve as executive producers for Eureka. Hosts Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O'Connell also sing the iconic song featured in the series' opening credits
Tune in on Wednesday on CBS to watch the new series of The Real Love Boat.
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