5 best trucks to buy in GTA Online (2022)

June 2024 ยท 6 minute read

GTA Online's map is filled with a wide variety of areas that players might find difficult to traverse if they don't have the right type of vehicle for it.

This is especially true for terrains that are devoid of any type of roads such as the mountainous regions or the barren desert. This is where trucks play a very important role for players in their travels across these lands as they provide transportation in places where other vehicles find it difficult to even move.

GTA Online gives the player a vast assortment of options regarding which truck they should buy. So much so that it gets hard to choose the best ones out of them.

This article will help those players make the correct decision by providing them with five best trucks they can buy in GTA Online.

5 best trucks players can buy in GTA Online

1) Vapid Trophy Truck

The Vapid Trophy Truck is an off-road vehicle featured in GTA Online as part of the Cunning Stunts update. Players can buy this truck from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for $550,000.

The vehicle's most prominent feature is its incredibly loose suspension, which absorbs leaps and desert dunes and provides outstanding off-roading skills.

It also has impressive acceleration and speed due to the engine, but because of the weight of its back tires and their location, the vehicle's rear end spins out a lot around the curves, hence cornering at high speeds is not recommended.

2) Vapid Riata

Riata came into GTA Online as a part of the Doomsday Heist update and can be bought from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for $380,000.

In off-road situations, Riata's heavy-duty suspension and off-road wheels make it a force to be reckoned with. No matter how bad the collisions are, Riata's bodywork does not deform. Furthermore, even if shot or crashed repeatedly, the roof lights still stay operational.

But even at medium speeds on paved roads, it is prone to fishtailing. As a result, it is unsuited for urban driving because it is extremely slippery, especially in busy traffic.

3) Canis Kamacho

Canis Kamacho is an off-road truck feature in GTA Online as a part of the Doomsday Update and can be bought from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for $345,000.

Kamacho is a capable off-roader, with high torque and ground clearance, giving it tremendous off-road prowess. It can handle even the most difficult terrain, thanks to its 50/50 torque distribution, which gives it an advantage over uneven terrain.

The durability is good, and with the addition of bullbars, it can be even better. While it excels at reducing the consequences of traffic collisions, its high ground clearance makes running over a smaller vehicle or bike dangerous. It may easily cause a rollover if driven at medium-to-high speeds over smaller automobiles or items.

4) Annis Hellion

The Annis Hellion is an off-road truck featured in GTA Online as part of the continuation of The Diamond Casino & Resort and it can be brought from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for $835,000.

The truck is powered by a straight-66 engine with throttle bodies. It can also be equipped with a V8 engine and one or two turbochargers. However, these options are cosmetic and have no bearing on performance.

Hellion handles well off-road and on tarmac, and can easily climb steep inclines. However, its huge tires are vulnerable to gunfire, necessitating the use of bulletproof tires.

5) Bravado Half-truck

The Bravado Half-track is a military truck featured in GTA Online as part of the Gunrunning update and can be brought in from Warstock Cache & Carry for $2,254,350.

Due to its weight and tracks, the Half-track has an average top speed, but it has tremendous acceleration and fluidity, allowing it to move faster than the conventional version.

The tracks give excellent traction on any surface, allowing the vehicle to climb even the steepest hills, even practically vertical hills, in a straight path. Its handling is equally excellent, despite the fact that it is slightly larger than the standard version, likely because of the lower top speed.

Not only can the Half-truck handle off-road situations, but it can also handle deep water. The Half-truck, while not amphibious, can be submerged up to the snorkel on the left side of the cab and still come out unscathed.

Note: This article reflects the writer's subjective opinion.

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