Release date and time for all regions confirmed

June 2024 · 4 minute read

PUBG Mobile 2.9 update is on the verge of its global release. This comes in after weeks of build-up as part of the multiple rounds of beta testing. Moreover, the excitement level is slowly building up, especially after the community received a sneak peek at the new content, including the World of Wonder and Metro Royale modes changes.

The developers have officially unveiled a series of new updates for the classic mode, including garage mechanics, vehicle improvements, and more. However, it is the Frozen Kingdom that has captured the players' attention.

PUBG Mobile 2.9 release date and time for all regions

As per the official announcement, PUBG Mobile 2.9 update will soon begin rolling out. It will be available in phases depending on the platform and region. However, everyone will have access to the latest version by the early hours of November 9, 2023, irrespective of the platform.

2.9 update for iOS devices (Image via official Discord server)

The exact schedule for PUBG Mobile 2.9 update is as follows:

Korea and Japan

Google Play Store

App Store

Samsung Galaxy Store


Google Play Store

App Store

PUBG Mobile 2.9 update release time for Android devices (Image via official Discord server)


Google Play Store

App Store


Google Play Store

App Store

Samsung Galaxy Store

PUBG Mobile 2.9 update release time for other stores (Image via official Discord server)

Amazon Appstore

Huawei AppGallery

Official website & third-party stores

The latest version of the game will be available for download through the official channels, and the APK file will be hosted on the official website. It is essential to download the patch in a Wi-Fi environment, considering its size. Furthermore, it is worth noting that cross-version matchmaking is not supported, so it is imperative to get the new version as soon as possible.

Note: PUBG Mobile is blocked in India, and because of the government-imposed restrictions, you should avoid playing the game. Instead, you can play Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), Krafton's dedicated IP for the region that was launched recently.

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