Scott Pilgrim vs. the World premiered in 2010 and told the story of a boy who wants to date a girl — but is faced with defeating her seven exes, first.
The film, which was based on the popular graphic novel, starred Michael Cera as the titular character and Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona Flowers, Scott’s love interest. The cast also featured A-List stars including Chris Evans, Anna Kendrick, Brie Larson, Aubrey Plaza and more.
Nearly a decade after the movie was released, the entire cast reunited to reprise their roles for the Netflix anime series, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, which drops on November 17, 2023.
“Luckily, the ‘Scott Pilgrim’ cast became a close-knit family and friendships were forged for life,” the film’s creator, Edgar Wright, said in a statement when the project was announced in March 2023. “There is still a group email with the entire cast on it, that’s been going since 2010. I was happy to be able to reach out to everyone with the news that we had finally come up with a way to continue the adventure. Seeing (and hearing) everyone come back to their roles has been a true pleasure.”
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