Indian actress Aamna Sharif enjoyed a beach day, and looked gorgeous while doing so. Sharif posted two photos on Instagram of herself posing in a light pink one-piece swimsuit, with one shot of her lying in the sand. Sharif's figure is on full display. Read on to see 6 ways Aamna Sharif stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!
Sharif doesn't have to leave the house to stay active. The actress says that she often works out at home. She also posted this Instagram video of herself doing arm workouts with the help of her dining room table. She captioned the video, "No gym? No problem!"
Sharif turned to yoga after having her first child, and she says that it's helped her out a lot. Sharif tells, "I am a fitness freak and regularly practice yoga. It gives me a peaceful feeling and it is good for the body too."
When it comes to eating, Sharif says that she makes sure to eat healthy, however, she avoids using the term "diet." Sharif tells, "I believe in eating healthy. I don't diet. I love trying new cuisines."
While she loves to workout at home, Sharif does also hit the gym. Her go-to gym workouts? Cardio. She tells, "I have to hit the gym and do a lot of cardio."
In this video, Sharif and her personal trainer go through the actress' workout. Among her go-to exercises include squats, usually done with a resistance band.
In the same video, Sharif is seen using weights. Sharif uses both hand weights and kettlebells in the video.