Hefnd's Vengeance, Blighted Chimaera final boss encounter

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Hefnd's Vengeance is the final boss in Destiny 2 Warlord's Ruin Dungeon. Like other Dungeons and Raids, this final boss takes the mechanics of the previous encounters and mixes them with new ones. Hence, you must put what you have learned to good use and defeat Hefnd's Vengeance to finish your run.

This article will guide you through the mechanics of the final boss fight in Warlord's Ruin Dungeon and how to make things easier in the run. Note that the mechanics tied to this encounter involve Blighted Eyes, Scorn Taken Lanterns, similar buff countdowns, and a new debuff countdown.

Disclaimer: This guide is based on the assumption that Rathil and Locus boss encounters have been cleared, and you're already accustomed to the basic Lantern and Blighted Eye mechanics. You should clear the first two encounters before heading to Hefnd's Vengeance.

How to defeat Hefnd's Vengeance, Blighted Chimaera in Destiny 2 Warlord's Ruin

Blighted Eyes on the boss in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Once you have traversed through another maze and a small jumping puzzle in Destiny 2, the boss arena will be right in front of you. Shoot the Taken Blight on the floor to start the encounter, and keep doing this to dispel the Taken corruption throughout the fight.

The rest of the mechanics have been explained below:

While transferring the debuff, you can wait until it reaches one or two seconds in the counter before melee-attacking the Scorn Scorcher. This way, the Scorcher will die quickly after getting the debuff, and you can cleanse the Lanterns as well.

Corrupted Hex Drinker in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Additionally, you will see Blighted Eyes spawning in the topmost tier of the arena. Destroying these Blighted Eyes during the damage phase will extend the DPS phase timer.

Best loadouts for Hefnd's Vengeance final boss encounter in Destiny 2 Warlord's Ruin

Since you will be facing Hefnd's Vengeance from a fair distance in every phase, you are recommended to use Rocket Launchers and Linear Fusion Rifles. Gjallarhorn paired with Bait and Switch Apex Predator is a great combination, alongside subclasses like Well of Radiance and Marksman Golden Gun with Celestial Nighthawk.

Apex Predator in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Having a Shadowshot Hunter instead of a Marksman is also great since Wolfpack Rounds can deal yellow numbers on the boss' weakened body.

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