Here are some more photos of Ali and Dina Lohan’s last trip to jail, last week. These are the photos that made me wonder if Ali has gotten a recent boob job, which I asked last Friday. That was not the first time the specter of Ali’s potential and probable plastic surgery was raised – back in 2008, various people were convinced she had a boob job then too. Plus, all of the blind items that seem to be about Lindsay telling Ali to get her boobs done. Ugh… this poor kid. If she’s not out in public looking totally jacked and sickly, she’s photographed looking inappropriately busty to visit her older sister’s jail. As much as I think Lindsay is at the point where she should be responsible for her own actions, I have to admit that I think Lindsay got screwed up royally by her parents, and now Lindsay is paying it forward to Ali (with some additional help from Dina and Michael). Babble just ran a piece asking if Ali was “fated” to end up like Lindsay:
In light of the news that Lindsay Lohan was released from jail early today and sent directly to rehab at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, our thoughts turn to her parents and their role in all of this.
There’s no question that Dina and Michael Lohan have both sought out their own share of fame through their daughter, from way back in her child-star days. And it seems to us, that while Lindsay’s parents were watching out for themselves–and using Lindsay as a vehicle for their own success–they forgot to give her the nurturing a child needs. We’re not saying Lindsay’s addictions and jail-worthy habits were all her parents’ fault, but we definitely think it contributed.
In the wake of Lindsay’s jail time, it seems her parents have had no choice but to acknowledge the starlet’s troubled ways–her dad, Michael, even giving her his own personal jail-time advice. But have they changed their own ways…or will they continue this course with Lindsay’s younger sister, Ali?
There was already the Living Lohan reality show which primarily followed Dina and Ali in their everyday lives–and we wonder if that’s not going to be the last of it. We’re fearful for the day Dina starts pushing Ali’s career, turning her into a mini Lindsay, drug problems and all.
[From Babble]
I do think it’s already started for Ali. In the past year, Ali has pretty much been living with and traveling with Lindsay full-time. God knows what kind of insane, cracked-out, horrible, disturbing sh-t Ali has seen. And I worry that with Lindsay in rehab – mandatory – for three months, Ali is going to be spending all of her time with Dina (because God knows, the girl doesn’t go to school), and Dina is going to be pulling the same bullsh-t enabling crap that she pulled on Lindsay for so many years. Will Ali manage to break free? Or will she be even worse than Lindsay? Those are basically the only two possibilities I see for her.
Ali and Dina on July 29, 2010. Credit: WENN.