The Main Ingredient is a very popular fusion rifle in Destiny 2. This weapon was introduced during the Red War campaign in the game and has managed to survive the test of time. This weapon is one of the best fusion rifles in the game and can be easily used in PvP and PvE.
Similar to many other fusion rifles in Destiny 2, the Main Ingredient also uses Special Ammo and can be a very versatile weapon in the game. This weapon deals Arc damage and can be easily obtained in the game. However, coming across this weapon could take some time.
Acquiring the Main Ingredient Fusion Rifle in Destiny 2
The weapon can be easily obtained in the game. However, Guardians will have to wait till Xur sells it in the game, and there is no other way in which Guardians can get their hands on the Main Ingredient in Destiny 2.
This weapon cannot be acquired from the Collections tab as well. Based on the manifest, this weapon should have Deepsight Resonance associated with it. However, despite having Deepsight Resonance, this weapon cannot be crafted in the game. That said, the Main Ingredient is a very nifty fusion rifle that can come in handy in tough situations in the game.
Since Xur is the only one who sells this weapon in the game, the next time it's available for sale, there are a few perks that Guardians need to look out for.
Main Ingredient God Rolls for PvP and PvE
Every weapon has a perk or two that makes it an asset in the game, but not all perks are good enough to be termed as god rolls. However, the Main Ingredient has a few rolls that make it really interesting in PvP and in PvE. Here are the rolls that Guardians need to keep an eye out for.
Main Ingredient PvP God Rolls
Scope: Red Dot 2 MOA (+2 Zoom, +6 Range, +10 Handling)
Battery: Projection Fuse (+10 Range)
Trait 1: Under Pressure (As the weapon magazine gets lower, the stability and accuracy increases)
Trait 2: Tap the Trigger (Initial trigger pulls have increased stability and accuracy)
Fusion rifles can be unstable at certain times in the game, which is why additional points for weapon handling and stability can make the Main Ingredient a very deadly weapon in the game. For PvP, handling and range are the two statistics that Guardians need to take into account while choosing a weapon. A weapon with good range can allow them to take shots without giving away their position, while good handling makes the weapon stable in a gun fight.
Main Ingredient PvE God Rolls
Scope: Red Dot Micro (+2 Zoom, +9 Range, +7 Handling)
Battery: Projection Fuse (+10 Range)
Trait 1: Under Pressure (As the weapon magazine gets lower, the stability and accuracy increases)
Trait 2: High Impact Reserves (Rounds towards the end of the magazine deal additional damage)
These are the rolls that Guardians need to look out for while using this weapon in Destiny 2. It has been a while since Xur was seen selling this weapon, and no one is sure when this weapon will be on sale next. Although this is a really good fusion rifle in the game, Destiny 2 features some other fusion rifles that are better than the Main Ingredient.
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